
27 August, 2018

And the winners are…

Thank you so much to all the parents and children who gave us feedback and in turn entered our Chromebook giveaway. The feedback was so valuable to us and gave us some great ideas for making Learn Primary even better.

Congratulations to Shreeram and Mackenzie (and their families)…their feedback was judged to be the most helpful so they received a Chromebook laptop each (we liked all the feedback though and it was tough to make a decision).

It was also great to hear from so many children who are really enjoying LEARNING about Maths and English and tracking their progress…some of you even asked when we will be including other subject areas like Science and History (we need to finish Maths & English first but would love to add more subjects as soon as we can). And Gruff felt really good about all the positive comments he received!

We also loved hearing how parents are using Learn Primary to provide a structured approach to supporting their children at home. The Parent Zone information, LEARN Animations and ability to set tasks and monitor performance and progress, were all seen as highlights. Suggestions for further improvements will also be taken into our team meetings and included in our road-map for development.

There will be more competitions in the coming months so keep an eye on your emails and for news in the App. We always welcome your feedback so feel free to email us anytime at 

2 thoughts to “And the winners are…”

  1. Thank you for running such a great competition. Mackenzie loves her new Chromebook and has used it to help complete her weekly homework requirements. It is a great little computer and works really well with Learn Primary. Thank you for developing a fantastic website for students to learn and have fun.

    1. You are very welcome Tameka and Mackenzie! We are so happy that you love the Chromebook (we also think they are great for students and schools) and are glad to hear you are having fun while learning with Learn Primary.

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