
21 June, 2018

What skills do children develop between ages 7 and 9?

It’s easy to know what your children are learning at school. Anyone can look up the curriculum, google NAPLAN or ask the teacher. But aside from classroom learning, what skills are children ages 7-9 developing and how can parents help?

Child development is measured in categories commonly known as Cognitive, Social & Emotional, Speech & Language, Fine Motor Skills and Gross Motor Skills.

From helping them figure out different shapes to watching them walk for the first time, you’ve been closely monitoring your child since they were born. But development milestones are not just for the early days. It’s important to understand how your child is developing even when they can walk, talk and feed themselves.

What developments should you be looking out for by ages 7-9?

Cognitive Development

At this age, your child’s ability to learn, absorb information and solve problems is developing. Their attention span is increasing and they can focus on tasks for 30-45 minutes.

They’ll begin to show interest in specific topics and start to plan ahead. They’ll start understanding more complex math problems and think about the reason behind things.

Social and Emotional Development

Your child is beginning to gain an understanding of the world around them. They’ll be asking questions and developing their own morals and values.

They learn self-control and become aware of their own behaviour as they form new friendships. They can now play games with rules and learn to play fair.

Children at this age are curious, impressionable and are developing a sense of self-consciousness. They become increasingly independent but still seek approval from the adults in their lives.

Speech and Language Development

By this age they’ve developed basic speech and language skills and are now expanding their vocabulary, learning several new words per day.

You should now understand most of your child’s sentences and conversations. No more nodding and smiling at gibberish! You may however have to develop a convincing fake laugh as they start to tell their own, somewhat unrefined, jokes.

Motor Skills Development

By this age, your child will have developed most fine motor skills. They can brush their teeth, cut shapes and hold cutlery. You will start to see a development however in their gross motor skills as they run to kick a ball or jump over a skipping rope.

How can you assist your child’s development at home?


Provide fun ways to learn and explore their curiosity. Do experiments in the house or go to the park to count all the different bugs or plants they find. Allow free play time to develop their gross motor skills.

Decision Making and Accountability

Assist your child’s social and emotional development by involving them in decisions. Ask for suggestions on how the family can spend Saturday afternoon, ensuring they compromise and consider things from another perspective before making decisions.

Let them choose their activities and pick their own clothes. You can also assign simple chores to teach discipline, responsibility and help them explore their independence.

Positive Reinforcement

As your child becomes more impressionable, ensure you recognise their positive qualities to build their self-esteem. Hold them accountable for mistakes but praise good behaviour.

Read & Learn At Home

Read bedtime stories. Let them read or encourage them to create their own stories and read them to you.

Develop their cognitive and speech & language skills with a variety of fun games on the Learn Primary app. Let them choose from hundreds of engaging lessons that complement the Australian Curriculum whilst also nurturing their increasing curiosity.

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