
6 April, 2018

How Learn Primary Helps Year 3 Children Prepare for NAPLAN

NAPLAN (which stands for National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) is a series of diagnostic tests that assess the learning level of children and their classroom as a whole. It’s not strictly designed to be prepared for, however the assessment can be useful as a benchmark to ensure your little one is picking up all the skills and understandings they’ll need as the foundation for future knowledge.

Our team of Aussie teachers and parents have custom-designed a learning support system called Learn Primary for primary school aged children. Here’s how it can help to maximise your child’s literacy and numeracy skills and prepare them for the first NAPLAN assessments in Year 3.

Learning content that is aligned to the national NAPLAN curriculum
First and foremost, we’ve designed Learn Primary to align with the Australian curriculum. This means applying the assessable literacy and numeracy skills to problem solving scenarios that children may have not experienced before, which fosters both their fundamental knowledge and their ability to adapt to new scenarios.

A personalised learning experience
No two children learn the same way at the same time. Learn Primary can be easily used to address any gaps in children’s knowledge with its personalised progress framework and flexible menu options. You can repeat sections as necessary if there’s a tricky concept that was missed in the classroom, ensuring your child can feel confident as they complete their NAPLAN assessments. Our adaptive learning platform means that lessons can be tailored according to your child’s individual learning requirements, making it a relevant learning experience for them.

Fun, engaging and fresh content
Learning needn’t and shouldn’t be boring, particularly if you’re asking your child to spend their time out of the classroom reinforcing the skills they’ve been learning. We have designed Learn Primary with cartoon characters, bright colours and an engaging game-like learning environment that results in an appealing learning system that children will actually want to use.

Self-guided pace
Learn Primary is designed to move at the child’s self-guided pace and to require minimal parental supervision. That doesn’t mean it’s a hands-off experience for you – in fact, quite the opposite. There’s actually a Parent Zone in Learn Primary that provides extra teaching tools and strategies in line with the national curriculum, so you can support your child’s learning and development at home.

A monthly subscription
The other benefit of Learn Primary is that there isn’t a massive financial outlay like you might pay for a tutor or additional classes. In the months leading up to the NAPLAN tests, you can pay a small monthly fee to use the learning support system on your own tablet device. There are no huge initial costs upfront, making the system affordable for parents across Australia.

Ready to get started? Sign up with Learn Primary today and get your first term for free!

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