
22 March, 2018

Why Extra Tutoring isn’t the Only Way to Boost Learning

Tutoring can be quite the controversial topic amongst parents of primary school aged children in Australia. While many parents feel that tutoring is a luxury, there are also many who see value in one-on-one support. There’s really no right or wrong answer, but it’s worth considering the pros and cons before you make your decision.

Why consider additional support for younger kids?

There are many reasons that parents may look to extra educational support for their primary school children. Parents are busier than ever before and many just don’t have the time to assist their little ones with their schoolwork at home. For some children, extra learning assistance can help to build confidence and to reinforce concepts in a distraction-free environment outside of the classroom. Some children are closely involved in sport or competitive activities, which can lead to them falling behind if they don’t catch up outside of school hours. Then there’s the simple fact that school work seems to have become more challenging at much earlier ages; additional support is an increasingly common choice for children in Year 2 and leading into Year 3, when the first NAPLAN assessment takes place.

The obstacles to tutoring

Unfortunately, tutoring is a service that many parents find difficult to afford. Some turn to small-class tutoring or online tutoring to reduce the costs of tutoring, however even these services can be expensive. The other downside is that for many children tutoring can feel like they’re being ‘punished’ with extra school time, particularly if they’re struggling to enjoy their regular classroom experiences.

The alternatives to tutoring

One solution is to find a digital option that integrates fun and self-paced learning, so the child can pick up information in the way that suits them. There are countless learning apps and websites available online, however it’s important that parents choose one that aligns with the Australian curriculum such as Learn Primary. This ensures kids will gain a comprehensive awareness of the English and mathematical concepts that are important for their age through engaging activities, without missing any important building blocks that will help them to build on that knowledge.

It’s also easy to underestimate the power of fun and motivation in additional learning processes. In one University of Colorado study, the gamification of information saw a 11-14% rise in student knowledge and a 9% rise in retention rates over non-gamified alternatives. Clearly, engaging learning is effective learning.

Pair this type of digital solution with great parental support at home, and children will have the tools to succeed in leaps and bounds.

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